Do we have Divine Free Will (or as we say in soul essence Divine Free Choice)? In this episode I dive deep into answering this question in a unique and perhaps unpopular way of what it really takes to go beyond the simulation and what the only winning move is in this 'game'. So, I invite you to grab a cuppa, sit back, and enjoy as we dive deep into the sea of infinite possibilities ~💜🌺🌊💫
When you see that everything is a lie, it opens the door for you to step beyond that and into what is true and what is real ~Lady Nenari 💜🌺🌊🙏
~ Links Related to this episode ~
Meanwhile, whilst everyone is cheering on Trump and bad mouthing Harris and other politicians worldwide this is ongoing and it is all designed to bring this in because if ye protest or say or write or whatever anything other than good things or what they want, ye dinnae have a good digital id (social) credit score....
Oh and by the way, just a wee P.S. for all of yous who seem to think JFK was so good ~ Can I ask you why you (and everyone else who does) idolise a President that made it so that vaccines were to be given to humanity and it being ok knowing full well what is in them? It is called Vaccine Assistance Act of 1962. I invite you to look it up! (and is yet another thing I posted about back in 2020 that no one could answer this question fir me either!)
And then these videos below that I speak on in this weeks episode 👇
The only winning move is not to play 👇
And what is happening in Europe which can come to America 👇
Wisdom on Divine Free Choice (Divine Free Will)
🌺Meditations that are included in any of the episodes of this podcast along with over 40 meditations to assist ye on yer souls path are available fir free here at Aloha Soul Meditation on Youtube 🌺
Can you feel called in your heart to give love offering donation to assist me to continue to assist ye in providing soul enriching content? Please feel to do so by donating here at these links ~
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Through Venmo or through Zelle using this email address Mahalo Nui Loa (thank you so much!) I appreciate all of yous and your continued Love and support!
Do ye enjoy this podcast? Have a comment, question, or suggestion topic fir future podcast episodes? I would love to hear from you. Please email me at to share with me what is in yer heart. Mahalo! I appreciate ye! ~💜🌺🌊🙏
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