Aloha Beautiful Souls! And welcome to the Vibrational Frequency Soul Energy Revealing Forecast for 2025!
Before I get to the forecast I have shared some wisdom and some good news to yous….so please listen to the audio podcast above and then enjoy below the forecast for 2025~
This year of 2025 has a theme evolving all around Dharma or Soul Purpose. This is going to be the year of being called more fully into your Dharma or Soul Purpose. For those of you already moving in your Dharma/Soul Purpose this will mean that you will be taking that to the next level. This may involve deep inner reflection, perhaps study/certification of some sort, or even moving into an entirely new realm of your Dharma/Soul Purpose that you never considered before!
This means for those of you who are already living, BE, and doing such of your Dharma/Soul Purpose within right action, in 2025 you will be given invitations within circumstance, situations, connections, places etc. that will be assisting you to take this to the next level in your path where you will be shining ever brighter individually on your Soul path and also in how you assist humanity. Many doors will open in 2025 for what you felt was impossible to become I Am Possible where things flow more and exciting opportunities abound! Co~creation with others is also highly possible this year of 2025 as rather than doing things solo, connection and co~creation will abound for you!
For those whom have yet to move into your Dharma/Soul Purpose this will make for a challenging year simply because anything and everything that is keeping you from moving into such will be coming up to be healed, integrated, cleared, moved through or out of so that you step fully into your Dharma/Soul Purpose. For some, this may feel like a DNS (Dark Night of the Soul) because what you have been doing will no longer work in your life or REALationships, situations/circumstances and you will be compelled to look at and do things completely different than you have done thus far.
In both cases above (as well as for everything and everyone in between) as a 9 year or year of completion, 2025 will be the year where you are no longer in a place of doing things for what others want for you or what you think you 'should do' and instead an inner focus on moving more fully into what Source/the Divine/God's and your soul chose before you came into this incarnation will be front and centre.
For some, this may mean leaving that stagnant job or relationship to begin that spiritual business or REALationship (real relationship) with the one who God/Source and your soul chose for you rather than staying where you are nae meant to be. For some, it is moving house to a completely different location you never thought of. And for some it is finally doing that deeper healing work on traumas, wounds, triggers that you have been running away from for years burying it in being on the drink or in being celibate or work etc. so that you can really Love again. Whatever it is that appears to be overwhelming you in your life or is unworkable, this year of 2025 will be a completion of that energy and a moving more into what is most important for your souls path and progression.
There may be difficult choices that you will be invited into making in this year of 2025. Therefore, what was true of the Vibrational Frequency Soul Energy Revealing Forecast for 2024 (if you were free from seeing that it can be found here at this link bleeds into this year of 2025 and is still very prevalent, as it will be vitally important that all choices chosen in 2025 come from a resonance of soul attunement, alignment, and within Divine Free Choice (Divine Free Will) of you choosing your soul and its path because you choose to and for nae other reason (such as 'shoulds', 'have to's', societal pressures etc.). This is the year of choosing what you value most, what is most important and means the most to you from your soul and its calling. Rather than being the victim living life by default and/or life happening 'to' you, you will BE the victor and victorious as life occurs THROUGH you and as you!
The importance of the within changes you choose will also see the mirror of such worldwide as the saying out with the olde in with the new will be big in worldly matters in 2025! The utter NEED and I stress here NEED for change for the better (which will require the tug of war between the two) will be at the forefront of world issues for 2025. As you shift and change for the betterment of your soul, this will then bring about the change on earth that is now needed so that balance and harmony of both/and (both olde and new) can co~exist and even be beneficial for all rather than outing all the olde to bring in the new. Just as the changes within you this year will see you blend olde and new to bring through the soul in you, so too will we see this worldwide in all ways throughout 2025!
As was stated above, now also shared in a different way, the time of being lone wolfs is over....2025 will see us all connecting, co~creating, and for those whom are already doing such, taking that to the next level. Each soul on this earth has spiritual gifts within their Dharma/Soul Purpose that are the pieces to the puzzle and that can be of assistance to one another. You are nae alone, nor do you have to face what you are going through alone. Reaching out in connection, Love, and co~creation is also a big theme in 2025!
Whilst Source is our main resource and yet Source also brings about such resources through infinite ways and means, and that can and does also come through others. You are invited to connect and deLight within the invisible web of Love within the folk in your life that you can rely upon and also being open to asking for and receiving assistance from what we call 'strangers' if need be, understanding and knowing that we are all created from Source/God and therefore we are all connected by that same essence and therefore are free from being strangers to one another. Each soul has special gifts and resources to assist and support you on your Sacred Path through life as Soul Embodied, just as you are a special resource with specific soul gifts to give within support of them. In this way, you are being the Re~Source (Remembering Source) as others are for you.
~~~~ (A wee special gift fir each of yous this Hogmanay Auld Lang Syne )~~~~
The calling of your Dharma, your Soul and its Purpose is upon you this year! An essence in which you will nae longer settle for less than what Source/God and your soul are calling you to live and BE so that you live a more soul fulfilled and contented life in thriving aliveness! Whether that is making a commitment to mastering the art of REALationships and Love to BEing the spiritual uplifter and healer you have always known you are and everything in between, this year will see you prioritising according to your true values and soul essence!
It feels great to be alive and thrive in 2025! is the biggest theme overall for this year! For anything that is free from having you feel alive and thriving will come up to heal, integrate, and release so that you come into celebrate! ~ Celebrating the thriving aliveness that you are in flowing within your Dharma, your Soul Purpose! The magic and passion of what has you come alive and thrive will be what guides all in 2025 so that we celebrate one another!
Happy Hogmanay! Happy New Year!
It feels great to be ALIVE and THRIVE in 2025!
Alive and Thrive in '25!
Much Aloha for an amasing 2025! ~Lady Nenari 💜🌺🌊🙏🎆🎇✨💜
🌺Meditations that are included in any of the episodes of this podcast along with over 40 meditations to assist ye on yer souls path are available fir free here at Aloha Soul Meditation on Youtube 🌺
Can you feel called in your heart to give love offering donation to assist me to continue to assist ye in providing soul enriching content? Please feel to do so by donating here at these links ~
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Through Venmo or through Zelle using this email address Mahalo Nui Loa (thank you so much!) I appreciate all of yous and your continued Love and support!
Do ye enjoy this podcast? Have a comment, question, or suggestion topic fir future podcast episodes? I would love to hear from you. Please email me at to share with me what is in yer heart. Mahalo! I appreciate ye! ~💜🌺🌊🙏
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