Aloha Beautiful Soul! Welcome to Episode 5 of the Soul Waves podcast. Utilising all of the first four episodes as our foundation and anchor, in this episode which is now Part Two, the second part of this specific topic we are now going to dive even deeper into the sea than we did in the last episode within these little known nuances related to health and how it has its role in what has been on recently and also within the 100 year cycle ~ What it all means and what we can do to bring about thriving aliveness into our lives!
So, I invite you to grab a cuppa, sit back, and enjoy as we delve deep into the sea of infinite possibilities ~💜🌺🌊💫
Links Related to this Podcast Episode ~
As I share in this episode, it is easy to see how the video I share with ye above here is used as a means through things such as Hurricane Beryl to get the electrics and water away from those who need it most and take it fir ‘AI’. Equally, the disruption of our global and local food supply to make folk reliant upon their precision fermentation foods that I shared of in my last episode which are harming our bodies and affecting our health is quite disheartening. There is more on this that I will speak of in coming episodes. Fir now, more links related to this episode are below! 👇
As I share in this episode of my being censored on youtube (which is nae an accident was done just after I posted the last episode in this podcast in which I spoke of There’s a World) and is also why in what I Am doing to change things is that I Am really nae longer choosing to post on there
Link on tech and graphene
Geoffrey Hinton the supposed Godfather of AI said in an interview on BNN Bloomberg the other day that it will be 20 year afore AI is such
Interesting link on what is being done in health that I speak of in this episode
Can you feel called in your heart to give love offering donation to assist me to continue to assist ye in providing soul enriching content? Please feel to do so by donating here at these links ~
International Love Offering donations through Paypal (comes up in pound though when you do such it will convert to your currency and you can give through debit card/credit card)
Through Venmo or through Zelle using this email address Mahalo Nui Loa (thank you so much!) I appreciate all of yous and your continued Love and support!
Do ye enjoy this podcast? Have a comment, question, or suggestion topic fir future podcast episodes? I would love to hear from you. Please email me at to share with me what is in yer heart. Mahalo! I appreciate ye! ~💜🌺🌊🙏
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