WOW (Words Of Wisdom) With Me, Lady Nenari
Soul Waves Podcast
Walking a Mile in Another's Moccasins

Walking a Mile in Another's Moccasins

What its like to be you 🙏👣

Aloha Beautiful Soul! Welcome to this inaugural episode of the Soul Waves podcast. In native and aboriginal Shamanic traditions, the ancient art of walking a mile in another’s moccasins is the means by which we take another within us and really feel, see, know, and deeply understand what it is like to be them. This practice brings a deeper soul bond and connection with others. In this episode we will dive deep into how to be/do just that.

So, I invite you to grab a cuppa, sit back, and enjoy as we delve deep into the sea of what it is like to experience what another experience and how to be able to be more compassionate and understanding within all of our REALationships (Real Relationships) and connections.

Link related to this week’s podcast Fatal Accident Maui

🌺And as a Postscript to this podcast ~ After the recording of this podcast, a bonnie blessing appeared in my chat box on next door which I will leave here of both messages below (once ye hear this episode it will make sense to ye as to what it is) that brings the Light of Love of one soul there whom I did reach and whom understands, showing that humanity is a blessing! 👇

Can you feel called in your heart to give love offering donation to assist me to continue to assist ye in providing soul enriching content? Please feel to do so by donating here at these links ~
International Love Offering donations through Paypal (comes up in pound though when you do such it will convert to your currency and you can give through debit card/credit card)
Through Venmo or through Zelle using this email address Mahalo Nui Loa (thank you so much!) I appreciate all of yous and your continued Love and support!

Do ye enjoy this podcast? Have a comment, question, or suggestion topic fir future podcast episodes? I would love to hear from you. Please email me at to share with me what is in yer heart. Mahalo! I appreciate ye! ~💜🌺🌊🙏

WOW (Words Of Wisdom) With Me, Lady Nenari
Soul Waves Podcast
Aloha, Beautiful Soul! 🌟 Welcome to the Soul Waves Podcast, where Love Plus Love always, in all ways, equals Love! 🌊✨ Together, we ride the Alchemystic Tide, diving deep into the sea of many spiritual topics, turning the Soundwaves of the Soul, into Gold through the Cosmic Symphony of Frequencies. 🎶 As we attune to infinite consciousness and embark upon inner exploration, we bring forth Love, Light, and Cosmic Insights! ✨🌌 And now, let us warmly welcome your soul friend, mentor, guide, and host, Lady Nenari! ~💜🙏🎙️💫
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Lady Nenari Anne Diamond