WOW (Words Of Wisdom) With Me, Lady Nenari
Soul Waves Podcast
What is Outside of the Simulation?

What is Outside of the Simulation?

What is this Matrix Game Called LIFE and How to Navigate What is Here and What is Coming

Aloha Beautiful Soul! Welcome to Episode 3 of the Soul Waves podcast. Utilising the last episode as our foundation and anchor, in this episode (and the next series of episodes) we are now going to dive deep into the sea of this game we call LIFE (Living Infinitely From Existence, Living Infinitely From Experience) and see what is this matrix really about and what resides beyond it. If you have ever felt as if you are in a hamster wheel and looking for a way off of it and out of it, this episode and the ones following it will blow your mind and bring you back into your soul!

So, I invite you to grab a cuppa, sit back, and enjoy as we delve deep into the sea of infinite possibilities ~💜🌺🌊💫

And a P.S. I did speak with someone just recently about the fact that if ye want to use advanced AI and/or other certain AI things we have to pay a subscription fee for such so in essence we are paying fir our own works that we all have put out there that AI has been trained on and now we have to pay fir it which in turn is making all these AI creators like the ones in some of these videos below and others hugely rich meanwhile the rest of us struggle! One of the interviews below (the one just afore the Matrix link (called the Real World Cost of AI) speaks on this very thing confirming this!) This video also confirms why I have been having such a huge issue getting an electric scooter here on this island (as water that I spoke on in the first episode) and lithium (ie the batteries that electric scooters, cars etc run on) is being gobbled up by AI so see the link below here!

Links related to this podcast ~

relationships with AI

1 hour and 5 minutes in speaks of that 100 year cycle 2029 to early 30's just like what happened 100 year gone

Bruce Lipton Interview

What is consciousness? It is beyond zeros and ones that they are trying to make you think that we are

What the real cost is fir AI and deeper truths of AI

Matrix scene steak

5.27 in Been used since 1990 medicines, cosmetics, food, materials

A post shared by @dj_embee

and this is why it is so addictive is due to what he is free from telling ye which is that it is nae REAL cheese it is precision fermentation! Chesse from a REAL coo (cow) was nae ever like this! But it is now! And as I say in this podcast seems to be so fir quite some time! Whence I was at home in Scotland, I used to be able to get cheese straight from my local farmer and I knew it was cheese! Nowadays ye dinnae ken (don't know) what ye are getting! And it gets worse as they are promoting it with Hallmark Channel recently doing a romantic film encouraging us to eat cheese within the film released called Savoring Paris!

(on eggs)

This here is a separate link to research that is nae a video and now also below here are photos of some New Zealand Milk called Anchor and is one of the few milks ye can get on island and I got some and froze it and here is what it looked like (note: since I was a wee lassie anytime I have ever frozen milk or any type of milk products it always freezes white….until now….this has like an orangey tint to it (hope it comes oot in the photos here) does this look like milk to ye?

WOW (Words Of Wisdom) With Me, Lady Nenari
Soul Waves Podcast
Aloha, Beautiful Soul! 🌟 Welcome to the Soul Waves Podcast, where Love Plus Love always, in all ways, equals Love! 🌊✨ Together, we ride the Alchemystic Tide, diving deep into the sea of many spiritual topics, turning the Soundwaves of the Soul, into Gold through the Cosmic Symphony of Frequencies. 🎶 As we attune to infinite consciousness and embark upon inner exploration, we bring forth Love, Light, and Cosmic Insights! ✨🌌 And now, let us warmly welcome your soul friend, mentor, guide, and host, Lady Nenari! ~💜🙏🎙️💫